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Draw Near to God, Books 1-9
My Books Of Topical Scripture Studies

This is a series of books presenting Bible studies which I did over many, many years of searching God's Word. I would become interested in learning more about what God said on a specific topic, and then spend time searching Scriptures on that topic. This helped me learn about what God is like, what He thinks, and what commands He gives us to help us live the blessed life He has for His people.

Often I would be in the midst of reading a Scripture verse and find that one particular word or idea would stand out to me. I felt God was "highlighting" that idea so I would study more about it. I loved doing this. I learned so much and was very blessed as I did it.

I would suggest the reader take one topic of particular interest to you, and read slowly and carefully each Scripture given on that topic. Then follow whatever the Lord leads you to do. I found He would give me thoughts and ideas when I read His Word, and He prompted me to pay attention to those thoughts from Him. I wrote them down in my journal.

I do not give all the Scriptures available on each topic, so you could do more extensive study on your own and add those Scriptures to your own topical Bible study book.

Many, many times over the years I found it helpful to review the study on a particular topic, so keeping these studies on my computer was very beneficial to me.

The topics are in alphabetical order beginning in Book 1 and continuing through all the books in this series. In the last book I added studies which I completed after I had already written where it would have been listed in alphabetical order.


Book 1 (click here to read or download)

  1. Abiding
  2. Acknowledge the Lord
  3. Age of grace
  4. All that the Father gives me will come
  5. Angels
  6. Apostasy
  7. Appearances of the Lord
  8. An appointed time
  9. Ask
  10. Assurance and security
  11. Baptized
  12. Baptisms
  13. Be ready
  14. Being still
  15. Before the foundation of the world
  16. Being holy
  17. Being perfect
  18. Believe
  19. Believing versus born again
  20. Blameless
  21. Blessed hope
  22. Blessing from the Lord
  23. Blessings and prosperity
  24. Blessing the Lord
  25. Body formation
  26. Bow down before Him
  27. Bread
  28. Breaking intimidation
  29. Calamities and good things
  30. Call upon the Lord
  31. Calling good evil and evil good
  32. Calling on the name of the Lord
  33. Cannot understand the work of God
  34. Canopy
  35. Children
  36. Chosen
  37. Christmas
  38. City of God
  39. Clean heart and right spirit
  40. Cloud of glory and pillar of cloud
  41. Come away, my beloved
  42. Come unto Me
  43. Comfort and encouragement
  44. Communion
  45. Contentment
  46. Covenant
  47. Cross
  48. Crowns
  49. Daniel 2:20-22
  50. Darkness

Book 2 (click here to read or download)

  1. Day of Christ
  2. Day of the Lord
  3. Death and life
  4. Death, Hades, Sheol, Hell
  5. Decree, declare, proclaim
  6. Delight
  7. Deliver us from evil
  8. Deposit of Holy Spirit
  9. Disciples
  10. Distinction between the righteous and the wicked
  11. Do not be afraid
  12. Doors
  13. Dove
  14. Drawing near to God
  15. Dreams
  16. Dust
  17. Dwell
  18. Each man's work
  19. Earthquakes
  20. End of the age
  21. Eternal - everlasting - without end
  22. Expectation
  23. Eyes of the Lord
  24. Face of God
  25. Faith
  26. False witness
  27. Family being saved
  28. Fast
  29. Fear and God's protection
  30. Fear of the Lord
  31. Fellowship
  32. Fighting negative thoughts
  33. Filled with the Spirit and not filled
  34. Finances and prosperity
  35. Fire
  36. First last and last first
  37. Foreheads
  38. Foreknowledge
  39. Forgiving others
  40. Four winds, four quarters, for corners
  41. Friendship with God
  42. Fruit of righteousness
  43. Fullness
  44. Gentiles
  45. Giving
  46. Glory

Book 3 (click here to read or download)

  1. Go in My name
  2. God calling us
  3. God fulfills his promises
  4. God has bound all men over to disobedience
  5. God works in our lives to save us
  6. God's faithfulness
  7. God's love to us
  8. Gossip, slander
  9. Grace
  10. Greatness of the Lord
  11. Growth
  12. Guidance
  13. Hand of God
  14. Hate
  15. He lives!
  16. Healing
  17. Health
  18. Hear
  19. Heart
  20. Heaven
  21. Heavenly Jerusalem
  22. Heavenly realms
  23. Hell
  24. Hidden in the heart of God
  25. Hidden sins
  26. Hidden things
  27. Highway
  28. Holy life
  29. Holy Spirit
  30. Honor and respect due the Lord
  31. Hope
  32. House of the Lord
  33. Humility
  34. I am (Who I am according God's Word)
  35. I am (Who Jesus is according to His statements)
  36. I desire to do Your will
  37. I tell you the truth
  38. I will not be afraid
  39. Imagination
  40. Imperishable
  41. In Christ
  42. In the name of Jesus
  43. In us
  44. Inheritance
  45. Instructed tongue
  46. Jesus' second appearing
  47. Jesus in me, His authority, Our authority
  48. Jesus' name seen in New Testament books following Gospels

Book 4 (click here to read or download)

  1. Jewels - God's treasured possession
  2. Joy
  3. Judgment
  4. Justice
  5. Keeping God's commandments
  6. Kings
  7. Knock
  8. Knowing God
  9. Knowledge
  10. Knows those who are His
  11. Lamb's book of life
  12. Law of Christ
  13. Laying on of hands
  14. Lean not on your own understanding
  15. Life
  16. Light
  17. Lightning
  18. Listen
  19. Living water
  20. Looking to the Lord
  21. Love
  22. Man's steps
  23. Marked
  24. Marvelous deeds
  25. Meditate
  26. Memory of people blotted out
  27. Millennium - the thousand years
  28. Mind of Christ
  29. Mind
  30. Morning
  31. Motives
  32. Mouth and tongue
  33. Multiplication and provision
  34. My ministry and provision declarations
  35. My portion and my cup
  36. Mysteries
  37. Mystery of God - Christ
  38. Names of God
  39. Name on foreheads
  40. Name
  41. Names of Christ (59)
  42. Near God
  43. New beginnings
  44. Newness of life
  45. Nothing will harm you
  46. Objects of wrath and objects of glory
  47. Occupy till I come
  48. Offspring
  49. Oil
  50. Old age

Book 5 (click here to read or download)

  1. Overcoming
  2. Overshadowed
  3. Pain - suffering
  4. Paradise
  5. Paths of righteousness
  6. Patience
  7. Peace
  8. Perseverance
  9. Plans
  10. Planting the Word in your heart and mind
  11. Portals
  12. Portion
  13. Potter and clay
  14. Power
  15. Praise
  16. Praying in the Holy Spirit
  17. Predestination and foreknowledge
  18. Pride
  19. Promises
  20. Prospering
  21. Protection by the Name of God
  22. Protection
  23. Provision
  24. Psalm 91
  25. Pure
  26. Purpose (His purpose)
  27. Quietness
  28. Radiance
  29. Rapture
  30. Reason for living
  31. Rebellion
  32. Reconciliation
  33. Redeemed
  34. Refuge
  35. Reign on earth
  36. Remember Me
  37. Remnant
  38. Repentance
  39. Rescue
  40. Rest
  41. Restore
  42. Resurrection
  43. Return to the Lord
  44. Revelation
  45. Revive
  46. Rewards for overcomers
  47. Rewards
  48. Righteous escaping judgment
  49. Righteous versus wicked

Book 6 (click here to read or download)

  1. Righteous
  2. Righteousness revealed
  3. Righteousness will go before you
  4. Rising sun
  5. River
  6. Rock - Stone
  7. Rushing waters
  8. Safe
  9. Salvation is close
  10. Salvation
  11. School - Instruction
  12. Scripture
  13. Scroll
  14. Seal
  15. Sealed
  16. Search me, O God
  17. Second death
  18. Secret
  19. Seeds
  20. See thru glass darkly
  21. Seek
  22. Self-control
  23. Separate
  24. Serve the Lord
  25. Shadow of death
  26. Shaken
  27. Share in the glory
  28. Share
  29. Sharing in His suffering
  30. Shelter of Your Presence
  31. Shepherd
  32. Shield
  33. Shining
  34. Signs
  35. Sin that leads to death
  36. Sing, make music to the Lord
  37. Singing and songs
  38. Sleep
  39. Sons of God
  40. Sons of light
  41. Soul longing for the Lord
  42. Sowing and reaping
  43. Spiritual blessings in heavenly places
  44. Spiritual blindness
  45. Splendor and glory
  46. Sprinkling
  47. Stand
  48. Stars
  49. Steadfast
  50. Strangers in the world
  51. Strength
  52. Submission
  53. Suffer
  54. Suffering
  55. Sun of righteousness
  56. Sun, moon and stars
  57. Sustain you - never let the righteous fall
  58. Sword of the Spirit
  59. Sword

Book 7 (click here to read or download)

  1. Take up your cross
  2. Taking the kingdom by force
  3. Teaches us what is best for us
  4. Temple in heaven
  5. Temple
  6. Temptation
  7. Testing us
  8. Thanksgiving
  9. The 144,000
  10. The Angel of the Lord
  11. The blood
  12. The book of life
  13. The church
  14. The judgment seat of Christ
  15. The kingdom of God
  16. The Lord is
  17. The Lord searches a man's heart
  18. The Lord will come and get me
  19. The Lord's beauty
  20. The Lord's greatness
  21. The Lord's presence
  22. The Name
  23. The path of life
  24. The rest of the Lord
  25. The secret things
  26. The Spirit teaches you
  27. The third day
  28. The true church
  29. The Word and healing
  30. The Word
  31. Things the Lord has not decreed
  32. Think about these things
  33. Those cut off from the Lord
  34. Those not filled with the Spirit
  35. Those taught by the Spirit of God
  36. Those who know His Name
  37. Thoughts of the Lord
  38. Thoughts
  39. Throne of David
  40. Throne of God
  41. Time
  42. Times and seasons
  43. Tithe
  44. To do list by God
  45. Tongue
  46. Tongues
  47. Treads the high places of the earth
  48. Treasured possession
  49. Treasures - riches
  50. Tree of the knowledge of good and evil

Book 8 (click here to read or download)

  1. Tree of life
  2. Tree
  3. Tribulation - end time
  4. True Christians - how to recognize them
  5. Trust
  6. Truth
  7. Turn your thoughts toward Me
  8. Unbelief
  9. Unclean spirit, evil spirit, giants, Nephilim
  10. Understanding
  11. Undivided heart
  12. Unity
  13. Visions
  14. Voice of God
  15. Waiting on the Lord
  16. Walk
  17. Warrior
  18. Washed
  19. Watchers
  20. Watchmen
  21. Water
  22. Weeping and gnashing of teeth
  23. Wells
  24. What angels do
  25. What does the Lord ask and require of you
  26. What God is like
  27. What the Lord told the seven churches to do
  28. Wheat
  29. Who I am in Christ
  30. Will of the Father
  31. Wine
  32. Wings and feathers
  33. Wisdom
  34. Witness
  35. Witnessing what you have seen and heard
  36. Word of God
  37. Work
  38. Worship
  39. Wrath of God
  40. Write
  41. You are
  42. You will call & He will hear you
  43. Your words
  44. Zeal of the Lord Almighty
  45. Zion

Book 9 (click here to read or download)

  1. Age-Ages
  2. Agreement
  3. Anointed
  4. Ark of the covenant
  5. Beautiful
  6. Before
  7. Blindness healed by Christ
  8. Boundary lines
  9. Breath of God
  10. By the Word of the Lord
  11. Children of God
  12. Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ
  13. Committed
  14. Conform - Conformed
  15. Crossed over from death to life
  16. Cup
  17. Day of redemption
  18. Deep things
  19. Directs your paths
  20. Divine radiance
  21. Election
  22. Face
  23. First
  24. For His name's sake
  25. Friendship secrets of heaven
  26. Great, greater, greatest, greatness
  27. He will hold me
  28. Heartbeat of God
  29. His Word dwelling in us
  30. Hold on
  31. Hour of Trial - Tribulation
  32. Humble
  33. I am in you and you are in Me
  34. I WILL statements of God
  35. Lips
  36. Pray over finances
  37. Salt and light
  38. The Body of Christ
  39. The Bride of Christ
  40. The day of the Lord's anger
  41. The end
  42. The Lord's reward
  43. Who Jesus says He is
  44. With the measure you use
  45. Words of Jesus to speak to fears


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