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The End of the Age


The Lord indicated that He wanted me to write a short book that talks about “The End of The Age.” It is to begin today, August 5, 2021, and reveal what I expect to happen between now and the return of Jesus Christ to rule and reign on the earth – which is the next age after this current Age of Grace. The next age after this current one is called The Millennium because it is 1000 years when Jesus Christ rules and reigns on the earth.

Now we live in “The Age of Grace” which began when Jesus came to earth and gave His life for all who would believe in Him, so that by His grace and His sacrifice we could be made right with God.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast. (Ephesians 2:8)
This age will end when He takes from the earth in the Rapture His bride, His believers (who have been saved by grace), and the tribulation takes place.

This book is to help you find scriptures regarding the end of the era we are living in right now in August 2021. Every day the news gives us illustrations of end of the age activities, so they verify this. This is the order of the scripture topics listed:


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