How to Live (Holy!) in These Days (2010)
In these years great shaking has begun in our country, and even in the world. The shaking is primarily coming right now in the economy. Many people are losing their jobs. Many are losing their houses. Many are losing some of their retirement funds and savings. The stock market jumps up and down by big swings daily. Some businesses are going bankrupt. Some banks are faltering near collapse and some collapse or are bought out by other banks. It is a scary time to be living. This is also happening in other countries and the leaders of these countries are looking for ways to stabilize things. People are looking for leaders who can help. What can we do! Where can we turn for help?
This is a book taken from my journal writings during these days. I am looking to God Almighty for my help and guidance and comfort during these days. Since I have given my life to Him through Jesus Christ my Lord, I seek Him daily for this. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God as He told us when He was here on earth. He went to the cross willingly to die as a sacrifice for my sins. He had no sin in Himself; He was pure and without sin. So He was the perfect sacrifice for my sins. Since He took them on Himself and died in my place, I can be forgiven for my sins through Him. All I need to do is to believe what He did for me; then repent of all my sins, ask Jesus to forgive me for those sins, and ask Him to come and live inside me and be my Savior and Lord. He will do that!
Since I have Jesus living inside me I seek His presence daily and seek His guidance in how to live in these days. He gives me His amazing peace to walk through these days in quiet rest and trust in Him. I will put in this book some of the dreams, thoughts, impressions, and guidance He has given me. Perhaps some of what I write here will also speak to you and comfort you as you walk through the difficult days in your own life. There is nothing and no one else that is stable during these days. Jesus is our Rock and our Fortress.
This is what the Holy Spirit says about the messages He brings:
I will tell you what it means. I speak in riddles sometimes. I do this so you will seek Me to know what I said and what I meant. I want to teach you something, so I give you a vision, a dream, or a message to stimulate you to come and listen to Me to hear what I want to teach you today, at this time, regarding this time.
The Lord's coming is near!
Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. You, too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near. (James 5:7-8)
Part One (January - February)
Click here to read or download Part One.
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