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Journal of a Listener to God

He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught. (Isaiah 50:4)

Let Your praises pour forth in this book, Lord, as you and I write it together. Let it be Your love letter to those who read the book. And let them encounter You as a Person as they read this book...a Person who loves them and wants to meet with them also, as You do with me. Let this book give them a spiritual pathway to follow on their own personal journey to know You, Jesus, to hear from You, and to encounter You in a close, living, and loving relationship.

I offer this book in humility, knowing that our relationship with God is a deeply personal thing. Each one of us is unique and special, and so is our relationship with God. I offer only what I have experienced or heard, praying it will be a blessing and encouragement to each person who reads this book.

An excerpt from these books:

In John 2:1-12 I read the story of the wedding at Cana, where Jesus turned water into wine. Then the Holy Spirit said:

Yes, I am saving the best until last as in this story. The water represents thirst and the wine represents joy. There will come, and already is coming, a great thirst, and as the thirsty ones drink of the water I give, it will bring great joy.

This is the time of the last days. I have saved the best until last. Of all the wonderful stories and events you have heard, this will top them all...a double portion, the former and the latter rain.


Part One (January 2008)
Click here to read or download Part One.

Part Two (March 2, 2008)
Click here to read or download Part Two.

Part Three (March 16, 2008)
Click here to read or download Part Three.

Part Four (March 16, 2008)
Click here to read or download Part Four.

Part Five (May 11, 2008)
Click here to read or download Part Five.


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