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Praying the Word in the Secret Place

One morning during my Quiet Time (time set apart to spend with the Lord in Bible study, prayer, and writing) the Holy Spirit told me that reading and decreeing/proclaiming Scripture that He had given me was like opening a portal over me so that He and I could connect there. He told me to do this every time I was under spiritual attack, discouraged, felt I was a victim, or needed encouragement. He said He would never leave me and that He would always talk to me. This is His way of strengthening me in the tough times. I am to do this each morning to start off my day. He said that doing this, and trusting and resting in Him, opened the way to allow Him to work out His plan in my life and His plan for what I am to do. He instructed me like this:

Just put a title (taken from the Scripture and/or prayer) for each section. Then put the Scripture used. Then put the prayer that rose up in your heart that you prayed to Me. That's a good beginning as to how to do this book. It will come into form day by day as you read My Word and use it to pray to Me. I will put the prayers and ideas in you one by one in a daily time together.


This is an excerpt from the book:


Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at my doorposts. For he who finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord. Proverbs 8:33-34

My prayer

Lord, it is my desire to listen to You each day in my Quiet Time as well as throughout the rest of the day. Thank You for this Scripture which shows me that You WANT me to come to you each day to listen, to watch, and to wait. That way I find You, and I find life, and I obtain favor from You. I praise You for showing this to me in Your precious Word.

Your prayer

This is the place where you may write your prayer to the Lord as he leads you each day.


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