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Revelation of What the Lord Says He is Like

I had real concerns that I was not qualified to use this title and write about this topic. But the Lord pressed me to keep doing that anyway. These are some of the encouraging words the Lord gave me regarding writing this book.

What is the Lord like today, Joan? What am I like today? Yes, you are qualified to write this, but only if I give it. Like Akiane, you can do what I equip you to do.

Just like I gave Roland Buck instant knowledge of many events, and Maria Woodworth-Etter knowledge of scriptures, I can give you what I want to give you, and you can declare it/write it for Me.

As Akiane would see things and then have the ability to paint those things, so will you "see" things that are in the treasure room of heaven for you to see, and you will have the ability to write those things. It is time for that now and you are ready, and I am ready. So we will do this together from now on.

You don't "see" them with your physical eyes, Joan. You see them with your spirit. You "know" them with your spirit, and from there it is transferred into your mind so you can write them down. That's how we will do it - together.

Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know. (Jeremiah 33:3)

This is your scripture to stand on as you ask Me to show you who I am and what I am like that I want you to write in this journal and put into your book. So use that scripture each day and "call to Me" and I will answer you. Then you can write what I show/tell you. Do this for Me.

Some topics from these books:


Book 1
Click here to read or download Book 1.

Book 2
Click here to read or download Book 2.

Book 3
Click here to read or download Book 3.


Please feel free to make and/or distribute copies of these books.