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The author, Joan (“Jo Ann”) Royer, was involved in discipling others through the Discipleship Training program at a Southern Baptist Church in Columbia, Missouri, for 18 years. Then the Lord guided her to take a break from that and spend much time developing an even stronger and more intimate relationship with Him in her quiet times. During this time she worked full time as secretary at a United Methodist Church in Columbia.

After four years of developing this more intimate relationship, He lead her to begin writing her first book, Thoughts and Stories: On a Life God Leads, Guides, and Protects. He even gave her the title for the book and gradually, as she listened and wrote, He lead her in writing the whole book.

Previous to this writing she had collected stories about ways God had impacted the lives of people. This was in response to His guidance from Psalm 96:3 that says: “Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.” She knew He wanted her to declare His Marvelous Deeds and share these deeds with others by writing them. All this came together in that first book.

She retired from her secretarial position in 2004 and now lives in Lee’s Summit, Missouri, with her daughter, Beth, where the Lord has led her to set apart her days to listen to Him and write what He shows her. She has a background in writing from childhood on, has a Bachelor’s Degree in Music and English, and a Master’s Degree in Education.

Writing is her passion and the way God is leading her to share with others what God has been doing in her life. Her desire is to encourage and mentor others through her writings - as many in the Body of Christ have taught and mentored her through their writings.


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